Wednesday 2 April 2014


Using the cocasmc hashtag had worked really well, we could interact with other class members and keep up to date with how everyone was going. Under our tutors advice we made our own group hashtag, we kept it simple and followed the lead of our class mates making an anagram from our initials. #FAH was what we would include in every tweet so that we could easily find and collate our group tweets. This was going really well until we actually search our hashtag and realised it was already taken. Our tweets were mixed in with hundreds of others. The whole point of the hashtag was to make it easier #FAH did not.

Developing our hashtag further we came up with #FAHOUT, a play on words its made to sound like 'far out'. Before committing to it as our final group hashtag we actually checked it this time and it was free for us to use - successes.

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